Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Technology Recommendation!

Ry and I purchased a Webcam about a month ago and I am loving it! My sister in law and her fiance live in Hawaii with our 2 nieces and we have been able to see them a few times already online. My sister also got a webcam recently and we have been able to get online every few days and see what the Darnold family has been up to as well. It is so difficult to be away from family, but being able to see their faces takes the sting out of it a little bit and makes you feel like you are still a part of everything.

Just in the past few weeks...

From Hawaii: Kaley showed us her new shoes by sticking her foot right up on the screen and saying "new shoos, new shoos!", we got to see our new niece, Jordyn up close and personal and see how the two are reacting to each other. Kaley is a great big sis :) She is so full of energy and Tay would turn the camera on her so we could see her twirling around the room and talking so good! We also got to chat with Tay and see how she is handling 2 kids and finishing her nursing program at the same time!

From Colville: Adysen and Bayleigh have been SO funny on the webcam. The 1st time we did it they just kept saying "hi" over and over again and staring with these big smiles on their faces. I don't think they quite understood what was going on, but they sure liked it! Last night Adysen kept shaking her buns and laughing. She thought it was SO funny because we could see her shaking her bunsies :) Bayleigh liked to show us what books she was reading and they made funny faces back and forth with Uncle Ryan. I know Parker probably doesn't see us very well, but it seems like he smiles at us on the screen every now and then...maybe it's wishful thinking. It is so nice to be able to talk face to face with Tiff and see how the kids are doing!

I would recommend this to anyone who has distance between their families!

1 comment:

LORIE said...

Hey!!! I have a webcam. Are you on yahoo messenger? I am. asianmojo73. Add me!