Male friend: Ry
Female friend: I'm lucky to have more than one
Things to do: take a bath, finish a book, talk to an old friend, SEE FAMILY, have a clean house (not necessarily the process that goes with that though)
Day of the week: I would have to say Friday, best day of the work week by far...casual Friday :)
Food: pasta of any kind, lately all I want to eat is salad too!
Website: too many blogs to count
Talked to on the phone: Jackie
Text: Mom
What are you doing now: blogging, watching tv, eating salad...multi-tasking
Was today better than yesterday? I suppose, I'm working on it
Plans? going to the beach with my fam this weekend
Meal? Actually haven't even thought about dinner yet, so I guess my lunch today...salad :)
Missing: family, as usual...and good friends
Wanting: A massage, a big bowl of ice cream and someone to put my laundry away for me! Is that too much to ask? :)
Watching: Law & Order SVU
Working on: a wedding album for a family member, writing, tons of graphic design projects at work...the fun stuff!
True or False:
I am a cuddler...the best, their is no getting away!
I am a morning person...anyone who knows me could answer this one - NO! that means don't wake me up at 8am on a Saturday morning Dad!! haha
I am a perfectionist...I wish I could say no, but with some things yes
I am currently in pajamas...yep, every day when I get off work
I like country music...couldn't live without it
I enjoy talking on the phone...of course!
I have a hidden talent...I can curl my tongue twice (hard to explain but it's weird)
I have all my grandparents...very thankful to answer yes to this. I LOVE my grandparents.
I have been told that I have a good sense of humor...I guess so :)
I have or had broken a bone...broken arm in gymnastics, broken wrist in a car accident... I guess you could say I'm a little accident prone..hehe
I have changed a lot over the past year...I think so, lots of big things going on
What are you most scared of this second? being disappointed
Do you like being around people? always, as long as I get time to myself when I need it
Song stuck in your head? "All I Wanna Do" by Sugarland, ever since Mom came down I can't get it out of my head because it was stuck in her head the whole time!
Ever been on the Radio/TV? had a radio show in high school to report on our high school sports..."The Dane and Deyna Show"...haha, wow hadn't thought about that in a while
What's your favorite show? Grey's, Brothers & Sisters, Law & Order (any of them)
Who was the last person to hug you? JoAnna
What is your current mood? anxious, tired
Have you ever sang in front of a large crowd? Yep, can be a little nerveracking, but I love it
Do you watch kiddy movies or TV shows? sometimes with the girlies, also for some reason Ry and I always end up watching Hannah Montana when it's on...which is odd because she drives me nuts!
Name something that happened to you today? Ry made me breakfast in bed :) I got to talk to my neices on the phone...silly girls
Do you speak any other languages? rusty spanish...recuerdo video juegos Meg??